Wednesday 27 January 2010

Gondar gardens latest

This is a email to local residents, members of the Gondar and Agamemnon Residents Association from the Chair:
"Linden Homes, the new owners of the reservoir, have removed all the trees from the street frontage in spite of our protests.
Their explanation that this is "for maintenance reasons and to reduce the risk of branches falling onto the street" does not sound credible. GARA immediately protested and requested them to leave alone at least those trees that are set back from the street. It seems to us that they might have been deliberately removing habitat in advance of a nesting season, rather than for "maintenance". Our understanding is that the strip of land, about 10m deep, next to the road, is not part of the Site of Nature Conservation Interest and hence they are probably within their rights.
Linden Homes have also stated their intention to put up hoardings along the street frontage, which would restrict foxes and other mammals from using the site for foraging and also prevent us from seeing what is going on!
More news when we get it. You can help by being vigilant and letting us know if anything significant is going on."

Meanwhile I have been talking to planners and enforcement officers at the Council as to whether it is legal for Linden Homes to erect hoardings without permission ... watch this spot!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed tonight that fencing has been erected on the site - it looks like the front it to be boarded up restricting sight to the reservoir. Any updates on their plans?
