Below is the list of planning applications for the week.
Its not often we have eight in one week in Fortune Green. Though in some other wards, 8 would be considered a very light week.
Below are the summaries. If you want to comment on any of the applications you can drop us a line on or
contact the planning team direct. It helps us though if you copy your comments to us. Remember to quote the Application Number (listed below) in order to help the officers find the right application.
Of particular note this week is the application to turn 108-110 into a restaurant. This comes hot on the heals of last week's approval of
28-30 Crickelwood Broadway from office space to a restaurant. To my mind losing retail space on Cricklewood Broadway is very different to losing office space. It looks like its already set to come to the planning committee - so it will be interesting to see what comments come in on this one.
You can sign up to receive a list of planning applications on a weekly basis by going to
this part of the Camden website.
CASE OFFICER Hannah Parker
LOCATION 90c Fordwych Road, London, NW2 3TJ
PROPOSAL Erection of a part single, part two storey rear extension including the excavation at garden level to create a lower ground floor and terrace, to dwelling house (Class C3).
CASE OFFICER Hannah Parker
LOCATION 108-110 Cricklewood Broadway, London, UK, NW2 3EJ
PROPOSAL Change of use of ground floor shop [Class A1] to cafe/restaurant (Class A3) and associated external alterations including the installation of an awning, decking and timber panel fence.
CASE OFFICER Hannah Parker
LACATION 108-110 Cricklewood Broadway, London, Middlesex, UK, NW2 3EJ
PROPOSAL Display of new externally illuminated fascia sign and internally illuminated box sign to shopfront.
CASE OFFICER Aysegul Olcar-Chamberlin
LOCATION 28 Menelik Road, London, NW2 3RP
PROPOSAL Conversion of seven existing flats into a single dwelling house.
CASE OFFICER Conservation and Urban Design Team
LOCATION 80 Fortune Green Road, London, NW6 1DS
PROPOSAL Sample of facing render and timber panelling showing proposed colour, texture and treatment pursuant to condition 2 of planning permission dated 10th February 2009 (ref. 2008/2396/P) for the erection of first floor extension above the existing rear ground floor and change of use of part of the ground floor D1 floorspace to create a first floor studio flat accessed from Rose Mews.
CASE OFFICER Aysegul Olcar-Chamberlin
LOCATION 3 Ebbsfleet Road, London, NW2 3NB
PROPOSAL Erection of a rear dormer at roof level with three roof lights at the front elevation and alterations to existing chimneys, to existing family dwelling (Class C3).
CASE OFFICER Sheri Waddell
LOCATION 65 Maygrove Road, London, NW6 2EH
PROPOSAL Non-material amendments to substitute partly glazed doors with fully glazed doors pursuant to planning permission granted 06/05/2009 2009/0962/P) for additions and alterations including the installation of a new atrium with a glazed roof, insertion of a ramp on the Maygrove Road frontage, metal railings at first floor level to the eastern side of the building, and alterations to the fenestration of the office building (Class B1).
CASE OFFICER Eimear Heavey
LOCATION 62 Sarre Road, London, NW2 3SL
PROPOSAL Erection of a single storey side infill extension to existing dwelling (Class C3).