Monday 7 November 2011

Good news and bad news

The Friends of Fortune Green have been busy over a couple of weekends - tidying up the beds, weeding and planting bulbs so that we will all see the benefit next Spring.

The FoFG are to be congratulated on their enthusiasm and hard work and for successfully obtaining funds to upgrade the Green in various ways but they have always had support and advice (as well as money) from Camden's Parks Department. Most recently they arranged for Camden to explore the poor drainage on the Green adjacent to Ajax Road. Remember the two big fenced-off holes? (Interestingly they appear to have found a WWII air raid shelter under the Green) This investigation will eventually result in a scheme to improve the drainage before that side of the Green is re-turfed.

This is all good news, but the bad news is that Camden is slashing its Parks budget and staff which will hit the most vulnerable areas of the department. This means - yes they still have an obligation to keep our parks and open spaces comparatively clean and safe - but improvements and additional "extras" such as planting will be in very short supply! Worst of all it seems as if the future of those officers involved in Nature Conservation is very much at risk which would be a huge blow to several of our local sites (the Cemetery, Gondar Gardens Reservoir, Fortune Green, Maygrove Peace Park, Westbere Copse and the newly recreated Conservation site on the Mill Lane development. Seems like a case of throwing out the birds and the bees along with the bathwater!

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