Local residents around Gondar Gardens with local councillors Nancy, Flick and Russell are here celebrating after the latest scheme for
development on the reservoir was emphatically turned down by Camden's Planning Committee last week.
But although we've won this particular fight - the war's not over yet! The developers may well appeal against this decision and are already in the process of the appeal against the refusal of the previous scheme.
(This appeal against refusal of the first scheme (destroying all of the reservoir space, replacing it with luxury houses in the ‘pit’ accessed via a car lift) will be heard on 22/23/24th May from 10.00am at Hughes Parry Hall, 19-26 Cartwright Street, London WC1H 9EF.
This was the "newsflash" from GARA - the residents association last week:
Great news. Last night, 10th May, Camden councillors refused planning permission for this scheme.
Many thanks to everyone who came along to support; to our local councillors for a spirited defence of the open space; and to everyone who worked so hard to achieve this result. And, of course, to the councillors on the committee who voted to refuse planning permission.
This won’t be the end of the matter. We are certain that the developer will appeal against this decision, as well as proceeding with the appeal against refusal of the first scheme (see below).
Help needed urgently
The appeal against refusal of the first scheme (destroying all of the reservoir space, replacing it with luxury houses in the ‘pit’ accessed via a car lift) will be heard on 22/23/24th May at Camden Town Hall in Judd Street.
Urgent request – are you a solicitor or similar?
Can you instruct a barrister on behalf of GARA for the appeal hearing?
We have getting advice from an ‘open access’ barrister but he is a very expensive QC. A junior in the same chambers is available for the appeal at a much lower cost. But we need a solicitor (or possibly an architect or planning consultant or similar) to instruct her. GARA will cover all the costs; we just need help making this happen. If you can help, please respond urgently to infogara@googlemail.com or txt David Yass on 07730814061.
We have very little time to instruct and brief a barrister – please respond urgently.
We need your money!
The appeal is costly. We have already spent money on a barrister, ecologist, transport and planning consultants. We need a barrister and ecologist at the appeal hearing. Your donations are most welcome, please. The funds will go towards the upcoming appeal and also, of course, the next one following on from refusal of the second scheme.
Every little helps, however large or small – it is your donations that will make all the difference. Your generosity in our last hour of need raised a similar amount to that needed now, with many of you giving around £100. That money was well spent protecting the reservoir at the previous planning appeal, and we need to do the same again now.
Please make cheques payable to ‘Gondar and Agamemnon Residents' Association’ and send to the GARA Treasurer, 12 Agamemnon Road NW6 1DY, or make your payments direct to GARA: sort code 20-74-63, a/c 80451223, with your details in the payment reference (e.g. “28GG Yass”).
David Yass
Chair, Gondar and Agamemnon Residents Association